Our logo is a waka formed from the name of the group; the K holding our world, while we travel in the middle together guided by the leaves symbolising the Father, Son and Spirit. Kaitiaki means caretakers or guardians and taiao refers to the earth, creation or the environment. We all want to make positive and intentional changes about how we live with regard to our impact on the environment; not just because of how it affects the earth but also because of how it affects the other people we share it with, especially the poor. We all strongly feel that God calls us to do this and we want to help others do them same.
Here’s our challenge; take another step on your journey of caring for creation. We know subjects like climate change can seem overwhelming, and sometimes it’s tricky to know where to start. From the list of tips we've assembled (accessed by clicking on one of the images below) you'll find there are some things that you're probably already doing. The challenge is to perhaps pick one more thing, make that a habit, and then come back and select another.
The resources we've assembled below are by no means exhaustive - there's bound to be more out there. Why don't you let us know if you find something else? We'd love to hear from you about the things you've been trying out. Join the group on Facebook.