Here are some tips for the garden:
• Try planting your own veges/fruit/herbs – maybe just start with a pot of basil on the windowsill or some lettuce at the back door.
• Think about planting things in your garden that attract bees and other pollinators. Garden centres often have list of these or can suggest some
• If you want to use sprays in your garden, think about using ones that are less ecotoxic or make your own.
• Put in a rainwater tank. It allows you to reduce your water usage, can help you water your garden when there are water restrictions and is thought to be better for plants than treated water from the tap. If you fit the correct filter to it, you can use it as a potable water source in an emergency.
• Green crop your garden in winter to help replenish the soil.
• If you have excess produce, try giving it to someone else. Just Zilch happily accept produce (even silver beet) on Mondays – Fridays from 11am.