How can I decrease my impact on the earth?
• Look out for palm oil! Some is produced sustainably but some isn’t and leads to decimation of rain forests. It often masquerades under other names and can be tricky to identify. Consider an app such as ‘Palm Oil’ or just get good at reading labels.
• Use more environmentally friendly cleaners, dishwashing liquid, dishwashing powder etc. Make your own cleaners and put them in a reusable bottle. A simple one is 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 2 tablespoons of white vinegar made up to 500 ml with water. You could add a couple of drops of an essential oil if you like. Baking soda is a good all round cleaner
• Palmerston North City Council guide to what goes where.
•Palmerston North City Council guide to rubbish and recycling facilities.
• Greenpeace
• Arocha NZ
• Arocha International